Little Nothings

Its a crisp fall afternoon. A chai beckons. I need to rest my eyes and stretch my legs. “Lets go pick some books!” I call out to my kids and we set out in light jackets and masks; my older one lagging behind, counting the number of steps ( a new habit ) and my younger one skipping and singing ahead of me. I ask one to slow down and the other to speed up. We eventually get there, the library at the end of our street; we find our curb side pickup bundle. There is a few moments of excitement to know what is in store and what new books they will get to read tonight. I am excited too, catching glimpses of the books I am looking forward to as well. And soon we are heading back.

“Anna, look at that tree. All red now” chimes my little one. We pause, admiring the shimmering red and orange leaves in the equinox sun. And soon it’s a game to spot all trees that have started preparing for the frosts and chilly days ahead. Some busy squirrels cross our paths. Some acorns are picked and stuffed into their pajama pockets. Their pace is trundling by the time we spot a neighbor’s pear tree full of half gnawed at fruits. I am growing impatient now “hurry along, I have work to do” I say. “Amma that was 1256 steps” says my older one jubilantly. I humpf distracted.

We get home and I head to make my chai. I grate in extra ginger already dreaming of the stinging taste I will get to sip in a bit. My husband is still on his call, pacing back and forth as he talks to customers laughing making jokes; It comes naturally to him, I quip in my head, he is a great PR person – I reaffirm one of my many realizations in this shelter-in.

We are making do ok, I guess; the thought crosses my mind, as I watch the tea leaves simmer. From unknown grief to caution and some risks for sanity, we have accepted and embraced the daily sweet nothings of life now. Never forgetting to be grateful and thankful in the process. I sigh, knowing it isn’t over – wishing well for everyone in our immediate midst, as I strain my tea filling the cup.

“Lets do the evening nap this weekend amma” comes a request from my little one, tugging at my thighs. I shake out of my reverie. I lift him up and get showered with kisses and clutching hugs. “shhh Its our little secret” I tell him. I look forward to the one hour of cuddles from him, as he naps and I read a book, a new routine formed for weekend afternoons now.

I smile and sip my tea, walking back to my nook at the corner of the dining table, zoning back to work. Another day of little nothings will soon come to an end, but I couldn’t have asked for anything better at this moment!

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